The AI Prompt Engineer

Using generative AI to scale your content operations

Using generative AI to scale your content operations

What Is Generative AI?

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can take human inputs and create something entirely new, such as art, writing, video, or audio. It learns by leveraging natural language learning models and consuming content, making it a transformative technology for productivity and creativity. The process involves large language models predicting the most likely next word based on a string of text and the context provided by the user. These models are trained on a huge portion of the internet, giving them a baseline of context on various topics in various languages.

Limitations of Generative AI

While generative AI can automate certain tasks and create content more efficiently, it is not a replacement for human creativity, research, or judgment. It has limitations, such as not being able to conduct original research, provide lived experience, ensure quality, or provide fact-checking. Additionally, AI-assisted content can contain biases due to the data it consumes and the lack of historical context. Human creators and editors are essential to ensuring that AI-assisted content is inclusive and thoughtful.

All About Prompts

Prompts are the input that people give the AI to set the direction for what it generates. They are natural language and can be simple, but they are best when they are intentional. The quality of the output depends on the quality of the prompts. For example, changing the keywords from "peaceful, calm" to "bright, rich, spirited" can create significantly different outcomes in a text-to-art generator.

Using Generative AI in Marketing and Content Strategy

Generative AI can be used in a wide range of scenarios, from generating custom marketing copy and creating images for a website to creating product descriptions and writing blog posts. It can help marketers by generating ideas, simplifying complex ideas or wordy text, synthesizing research, breaking through writer's block, and turning a post into a full campaign. It can also be used for lead nurturing sequences and sales outreach, help with language barriers, and test ad and landing page variations.

Bias in AI

AI works by consuming content prompts and natural language models, which may seem silly to say, but it is important to recognize that AI-assisted content can contain biases. To prevent this, many language models and applications have built-in content filters for both text and image generation that prevent the use of certain terms. However, these filters are not infallible, and human creators and editors are essential to ensuring that AI-assisted content is inclusive and thoughtful.

Does Google Penalize AI Content?

In 2022, Google came out with a helpful content algorithm update that discouraged excessive use of automation for content creation. This change led many to wonder whether using AI in writing would lead to poor rankings. After some clarification and investigation, it became clear that there is no stated penalty for using AI — simply a penalty for using it poorly. Google penalizes low-quality content no matter who or what wrote it. If AI-written content is low quality and doesn’t help readers, it’ll get dinged just like poorly written human-made content was penalized long before this advanced technology existed.

Is There a Risk of Plagiarism with Generative AI?

To understand why the risk for plagiarism with generative AI is low, you have first to understand the mechanism behind it. This technology is trained by consuming large parts of the internet. But it doesn’t just pull phrases and regurgitate what it reads. Instead, the AI uses what it learns about natural language and lays down probable words individually. With the Jasper tool, for example, the AI uses a combination of natural language processing (NLP) and artificial neural networks (ANN) to generate content. This ensures that the generated content is unique and not plagiarized.


Generative AI is a powerful tool that can help marketers and content creators streamline their workflows and create high-quality content efficiently. However, it is essential to understand its limitations and biases and to use it responsibly. By leveraging AI as an assistant and not a replacement for human creativity, marketers can create better content, faster, and with more time to focus on the substance and quality of their work.


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The AI Prompt Engineer

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The AI Prompt Engineer

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